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Microsoft AZ-400 Practice Test Questions Answers

Exam Code: AZ-400 (Updated 516 Q&As with Explanation)
Exam Name: Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions
Last Update: 31-Jan-2025
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Questions Include:

  • Single Choice: 262 Q&A's
  • Multiple Choice: 47 Q&A's
  • Hotspot: 61 Q&A's
  • Simulation: 45 Q&A's
  • Fill in the Blanks: 3 Q&A's
  • Drag Drop: 98 Q&A's

  • AZ-400 Overview

    Microsoft AZ-400 Exam Overview

    Overview Details
    Exam Name Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions
    Exam Code AZ-400
    Certification Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert
    Target Audience IT professionals with experience in designing, implementing, and managing DevOps practices and solutions using Azure technologies.
    Passing Score 700 (out of 1000)
    Time Limit 150-210 minutes
    Delivery Format Online proctored (camera required)
    Language English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean
    Cost Varies by region, check the official website

    Microsoft Related Exams

    Reliable Solution To Pass AZ-400 Microsoft Azure Certification Test

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    Keeping in view the time constraints of the IT professionals, our experts have devised a set of immensely useful Microsoft AZ-400 braindumps that are packed with the vitally important information. These Microsoft AZ-400 dumps are formatted in easy AZ-400 questions and answers in simple English so that all candidates are equally benefited with them. They won’t take much time to grasp all the Microsoft AZ-400 questions and you will learn all the important portions of the AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions syllabus.

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    Microsoft AZ-400 Exam Topics Breakdown

    Domain Description Percentage
    Configure processes and communications Plan and implement work item tracking, configure boards and workspaces, set up notifications and alerts. 10-15%
    Design and implement source control Choose appropriate source control strategy, configure and manage repositories, implement branching and merging policies. 15-20%
    Design and implement build and release pipelines Design and implement CI/CD pipelines using Azure DevOps pipelines, configure triggers, tasks, and deployments. 40-45%
    Develop a security and compliance plan Implement access control and permissions, secure pipelines and repositories, integrate with Azure Security Center. 10-15%
    Implement an instrumentation strategy Collect and analyze data from pipelines, monitor builds and releases, use dashboards and reports. 10-15%

    Microsoft AZ-400 Microsoft Azure Practice Exam Questions and Answers

    For getting a command on the real Microsoft AZ-400 exam format, you can try our AZ-400 exam testing engine and solve as many AZ-400 practice questions and answers as you can. These Microsoft AZ-400 practice exams will enhance your examination ability and will impart you confidence to answer all queries in the Microsoft AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions actual test. They are also helpful in revising your learning and consolidate it as well. Our Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions tests are more useful than the VCE files offered by various vendors. The reason is that most of such files are difficult to understand by the non-native candidates. Secondly, they are far more expensive than the content offered by us. Read the reviews of our worthy clients and know how wonderful our Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions dumps, AZ-400 study guide and AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions practice exams proved helpful for them in passing AZ-400 exam.

    All Microsoft Azure Related Certification Exams

    Total Questions: 497
    Updated: 31-Jan-2025

    Microsoft AZ-400 Exam Dumps FAQs

    The AZ-400 exam, also known as Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions, tests your ability to implement and manage DevOps processes using Azure DevOps tools and services. It validates your expertise in designing CI/CD pipelines, configuring source control, and ensuring security and compliance within your development environment.

    The Microsoft AZ-400 exam is considered to be of moderate difficulty.

    Get ready to dive deep for Microsoft AZ-400 into the following areas:

    Configure processes and communications: Understand DevOps principles, collaboration tools, and Azure DevOps project management.
    Design and implement source control: Master Git version control and leverage Azure Repos effectively.
    Design and implement build and release pipelines: Craft automated pipelines for CI/CD using Azure Pipelines and YAML scripts.
    Develop a security and compliance plan: Implement security best practices and ensure compliance with regulations in your DevOps environment.
    Implement an instrumentation strategy: Monitor your applications and infrastructure with Azure Monitor and Application Insights.

    There are no prerequisites for taking the Microsoft AZ-400 exam. However, it is recommended that you have experience with administering and developing in Azure, with strong skills in at least one of these areas.

    Solution2Pass offers comprehensive AZ-400 PDF study guides and a powerful AZ-400 testing engine with real, like AZ-400 exam questions and detailed explanations. Our study materials are regularly updated and guaranteed to help you understand the concepts and succeed on the Microsoft exam.

    The Microsoft AZ-400 exam consists of 48-52 multiple-choice questions.

    The passing score for the Microsoft AZ-400 exam is 700.

    We constantly update our Microsoft AZ-400 practice questions bank with the latest exam format and content changes, ensuring you are always studying with the most relevant information.

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